Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Children's Home Report

Dear Friend,

Christmas day will arrive in the states with millions gathered around a lovely Christmas tree, opening gifts and sharing the joy of family, friends and an abundance of food. Yet in many places in the world, poor places like Malawi Africa orphan children will wake up Christmas morning only to face another day of despair, disease and quite possibly desperation.
Our Good Samaritan Children's Home of 100 children and 37 workers will have a Christmas
dinner of Chicken, French fries, soda and ice cream all thanks to the $1,200 donation from Trinity Baptist Church in Asheville, N.C. They will each also be given 500 Kwatcha (approximately $3.66 U.S.) to go shopping. Most have never seen that much money much less ever been shopping. They will be able to pick out something for their self - wouldn't you just love to be there to see their eyes in the store and know they get to get something that will be their very own! Thank you Bro. Ralph Sexton and your precious church for this wonderful gift!
These children love to be taught at school. We have our own school at the Children's Home for K-8th, but from 9th-12th they must go off to private school each day. It is almost cost prohibitive, it is like college tuition costs here in the states, and this is why so many Malawians never go past their primer school years. We have 21 children in grades 9-12 that starts January 2008. The greatest gift for these children would be to go to school and get their High School education. It costs us $300 per child per semester which includes tuition, transportation, books, 3 uniforms and a daily sack lunch. I beg you In Jesus name to help me have them all in school come January. If you can't sponsor one child, do what you can - any amount will help hold a spot in school for them. We here at Good Samaritan offices do mot keep one penny of support that comes in for the Children's Home or its workers, 100% goes directly where you designate it to be used.
Thank you for your gift(s) to these wonderful well deserving children!
Bro. Gentry "The Beggar"

My Christmas gift to help an Orphanage Child go to School:
I would like to help send an orphan
school - with my gift of $300____

I can't give $300 but would like to give - $20_$30_ $40_ $50_ $75_ $100____ $200____ or $. _____ as my/our Christmas gift.

Make check payable to: VWO Orphanage

This letter was scanned from original and may contain spelling errors not of the author. wcm

Good Samaritan Churches Report for January

As I pen these lines Bro. Mark Logan from Trinity Baptist Church in Asheville, NC is in Malawi Africa teaching approximately 600 Pastors and Christian workers. Bro. Toru Marshall will arrived (Africa) on today and will be speaking to churches and leaders in another part of the country for 1 week. We have now planted 422 churches since April 2000. To God be the Glory with over 5O, OOO people now attending these village churches on Sunday mornings with many hundreds being saved each week. In the last newsletter I mentioned a 74 year old man (crippled with arthritis in his hands and feet) who wanted to come to Africa to win souls. He came in 2006 and won over 500 people to the Lord in one on one "hut to hut'" visitation. This year he was able to come again (Thanks to so many of you who gave towards his plane ticket!). He just wanted to come again to win souls and Praise the lord in 3 short weeks he won 1,668 souls to Christ, and is already making plans to come again this next year with Gods help! I say all this to tell you that Malawi, Africa is a “Soul winner’s paradise” THE HARVEST IS PLENTEOUS! More examples of this soul winning Paradise - Chuck and Sheila Miller from Florida came for the month of September and they won over 800 to Christ (14 days) the chief of a village was led to the lord by Bro. Chuck. That Chief told Bro. Chuck that if he would come back on Friday he (the chief) will tell my entire village they must come and hear the Word of the Bible! They went back on Friday and over 175 were saved! A church has now been planted in that village. Bonnie and Lewis Carrier from Maplewood Baptist Church in West Virginia came to work with the Good Samaritan Children's Home for a month, they were a real blessing to those kids - If you check out our website ( it shows pictures of the tie-dye shirts they made with the orphans. They also went out soul winning and won many to the Lord. Bro. Jim and Tammy Jorgenson from N.C. (who are working with the Children's Home ministries) came for a month recently and won many souls and planted a new church. The Hottles family (dad, mom, and 2 sons) from Hillsboro, Ohio came for a week and passed out over 40,000 tracks of their own and 10,000 of ours, winning many to Christ. Not one of these tracts was thrown away. Bro Mike Shanaberger the well digger from Maryland (whom I have spoken of often through the years) came and put in wells for us in the day light hours and in the night time hours (using electrical generators) went out with the men and showed the "Jesus'" film, again hundreds being saved. I repeat again Malawi, Africa is a “Soul winner’s paradise” Pastor's, teachers, regular church members If you feel that you just cant get people to respond to the Word of God and you are discouraged and about to give up wining souls, come for a week (or longer) and be spiritually renewed by the precious people of Africa who have never heard about Jesus and who beg you "'tell me more Jesus”! When was the last time you heard those words?
Several new churches have been started this year. One new church was started on our 420
acre plot we are clearing in the jungle. We are making two million bricks and clearing this land that will house our new second Children's Home, a school and other parts of the Good Samaritan Ministry. We have about 70 workers there right now so a church was planted in late September with 64 in attendance and 40 of those received the gospel and were saved. The church is now running over 150. There is no church building to meet in yet so they are using our 50 x 70 storage building as a church. A good church could be built there reaching 4 to 5 thousand which will also serve as a church for the new Children's Home.
Let me say Thank You for supporting this good work. Please keep us daily in your prayers. Our biggest need right now is some good folks who would support Bible College student for 10 months at $10 a month.
This letter was scanned from original and may contain spelling errors not of the author. wcm

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Introducing our Ministry

The Ministry was started by Dr Gardiner Gentry, who is now the Founder and Director of the Mission. He came early in February 1999 when he was visiting Malawi, Africa with a certain Missionary and God touched his heart for the first time to see many people got saved at one time and he also saw that many Malawians were hungry for the word of God. He rented a truck to go to different areas to preach and many people were saved and tracks were distributed everywhere to the people of Malawi. At that time God really called Dr Gentry, to come to Malawi Africa, he loved the poor people here, in town and in villages and people also loved him very much. He said to me at night when I was watching night duty at a certain Missionary property “I want to see”
1- Many souls saved
2- Many churches
3- Bible colleges and Youth Campus
4- Children’s Homes
God has been so faithful to him and his vision from God is now manifested, he has worked very hard and I want to thank the Almighty God also to call Pastors in the States, the Evangelist from the States and good Christian workers, for their sacrifice themselves to God in
1- Prayers
2- Financial giving
3- Generous gifts for churches and orphans.

But at first it was very hard for the people in the States to believe that Malawians are hungry for the word of God, when Dr Gentry came first he believed and confirmed, that is why he came in 1999 after he heard someone. But now many people from the States have come to confirm the work God is doing through Dr Gentry. I also thank my fellow Malawians for working so hard to lift up Jesus Christ here in Malawi, Africa.

We thank God for being in our side to plant churches in different areas, and right now we have 423 churches and we have reached thousands and thousands souls saved in the past years and many were baptized. Each week, we have been going out to win souls and plant churches by our groups. Some of these churches are holding over a thousand of members. To build a church can cost $ 2,500. Our National Pastors come to the colleges to learn the Bible how they can go through in church Administration and Baptist doctrine, winning souls, baptizing the believers as Baptist believers.
We have trained many National Pastors and Christian workers, the Evangelist and other people who were eager to learn the word of God and now they are doing much fine even though they didn't have much education from school.
We have a team that goes out to win souls and they do show the Jesus film where by thousands and thousands of people are saved.
The doors here are really open for you to come and see what we are doing, we are also keeping 100 orphans here at Good Samaritan Children’s Home, some of these orphans are doing well physically and spiritually. We have great needs for us to operate the ministry and people to help us like-
1- We need to win more people to Christ, but we need to have a
proper transportation and some funds, to go to other areas, North, Central and all the Borders of Malawi, people are hungry for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28: 19 and Mark 16: 15 Matthew 9:36-38) to make these program move we need $ 500 a month can take care, Jesus film, gas and diesel) we have already our house tents and vehicles. This is also one way of planting churches. Right now through this way of winning souls, we have reached over 2 million people and 63,450 people are the ones they worship in our churches on each Sunday service.

2- Colleges and Mobiles are really needed for our ministry to do
well. Since we preached to them and started churches in their areas, we need to follow up closely and train the people, right now we go to their areas and stay there for some weeks teaching them the basic things from the word of God ( Matthew 28:19-20) we have seen now many believers in our churches preaching, winning souls, teaching Sunday schools that glorified God and being faithful to the Lord. And God has also called good people here we are working with, they are really doing fine and God is blessing their lives. So because things here are expensive for 2 weeks mobile bible teaching will cost over $ 800. per month some people in the States have seen that this program is working very good, because we can gather the students from 350 up to 500 students with different classes. By end of the year we reach many people and get trained more to reach others.
3- Orphans, I really understand when Bro. Gentry came up with an
idea of establishing an orphanage to keep the orphans, this is so
because when he came in 1999 he saw many orphans, very poor people no food, dying with simple diseases because of no medicines but smiling and being happy when he preached to them. He built one which is holding 100 orphans and another is under construction in Ntcheu which is Central Region. We need a help, but the orphanage in Southern Region which is working now the total budget is $ 6,000 a month that is spend on
1- Food
2- School fees
3- Transportation
4- Sicknesses
5- Teachers and workers (staff)
6- Utilities like soap for bathing, lotion, chemicals
and repairing vehicles.
7 - Emergencies
We therefore, we pray for you everyday that God should touch your hearts to support all the programs we presented to you as Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ. (Philipians 19:4)
May God Bless You All. Pastor Henry Chatada