Friday, August 27, 2010

"And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from evil that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. I Chron. 4:10

As missionaries we continually bring our request up to God’s throne and the more we get involved, the more opportunities we see! We desire God to enlarge our coast in the ministry here at Good Samaritan.

In March of this year God laid it upon my heart to call the owner of the land next to orphanage in Mapanga. We wanted to know if the land he owned was for sale, or rent. It is about the same quantity as the orphanage property, about 11 acres, but it has a house on it, though it is in need of repair and refurbishing, and several out buildings. The response from the owner was that he would be willing to sell, or rent if that was our direction. It was during our 2nd meeting that God directed me to ask him about his eternal salvation. As most Malawians would he stated he would go to heaven. When I asked him why, he stated because he went to church. At that point I took the scriptures and showed him God’s plan of salvation. Both he and his companion believe and received Christ as their personal Savior! We see this added land as an opportunity to:

1. Build our own secondary school. This would allow us to have our own curriculum, have control on Bible teaching and also not to have to spend the money to transport 26 students into the city of Blantyre every day.

2. Build a Bible College that would be self-sufficient and separate from the orphanage compound.

3. Give us greater growing capacity; it already has many banana, papaya, avocado and mango trees on it.

4. Build a new Mapanga Good Samaritan Church that would help control people coming into the orphanage compound.

We are still negotiating for this land and Lord willing we will know the cost within a short period of time.

Also in March of this year we received a letter from the Minister of Lands that they are going to give back 100 hectares of land, up at Ntcheu, to Good Samaritan that they seized almost 1.5 years ago. There has to be a formal meeting at the project site with local authorities and the people of the area. This is an answer to pray! It is exciting to see God work, and to patiently wait on Him to open the door so that we can begin again the construction of the new orphanage up at Ntcheu.

On March 18th & 19th we had a two day school for pastors and their wives. The subject was “God’s Design for a Biblical Marriage”. John taught the men during the two days. Darcy and Sharon Goodman taught the women. We have translated and printed lessons into a book form that shows from the Word of God His standards for marriage and our responsibilities to our spouses and children. We had over 120 pastors and their wives attend. Good Samaritan provided transportation, housing and food for three days. The lessons were well received and Lord willing they will change many lives. On Friday the 19th Brother Gil Anger came later in the afternoon and talked first just to the men, and then to all for about two hours. It was great to see Brother Anger again after over two years.

On the 25th of March the Greenfield family, Neal, Leslie and Lacy, came to help out in the ministry for approximately three weeks. During that time frame they went out soul winning to many different areas, and taught Bible studies in different villages every week. They also went to a different village every Sunday to teach and preach the Word of God. Many people received Christ as their Savior during this time. They also accompanied us up to the new orphanage project site at Ntcheu to attend to the sick during one of our “medicine ministry” trips. We saw and treated over 450 people on this day. They were a great encouragement during their stay!

We continue to translate and print books and Bible helps to get them out into the hands of the people. We have to pay much Kwacha for this ministry and Good Samaritan is praying about buying a used printing press. This would cut cost down, and give us a greater freedom in printing. It would also allow us to train and involve more of our young men in the ministry. We have contacted Jeremy Johnson, a missionary to South Africa, and ask his assistance in locating a used press for sale. Lord willing He will “enlarge” our coast in this area.

On the last Friday night of March we had our monthly “Preacher Boy” night and it was just great! We had 15 young men preach for up to 10 minutes each. There was much enthusiasim from all those that were in attendance, both boys and girls.

At the beginning of April we started up the Good Samaritan Junior Bible College for boys and girls at the orphanage. It will run through August of this year and the classes are:

1. Minor Prophets

2. Homeletics-Boys only.

3. “Seeking God”-Girls only.

4. Old and New Testament Survey

5. The Life of Christ

This year we are scheduling time teaching/meetings in the south of Malawi and northern Mozambique that will last from 3 to 5 days each. We have many Good Samaritan churches in these areas, East Bank, Chikwawa, Nsanje, Lower Shire, Mozambique #1, and Mozambique #2. They have been asking for teaching assistance and we are going go down and assist them to the best of our ability. We will take as much printed materials as our vehicle can hold and Lord willing we can impart a spiritual blessing on them.

We want to thank all of the faithful saints who give month after month to the Good Samaritan Ministry! At times it may seem that what you give is not making a difference, but I can assure you that souls are being added to the Kingdom of God and it is because of your selfless giving! Also you are making a difference in the lives of orphaned boys and girls that will one day preach and teach the Word of God to others.


1. That the land next to the existing orphanage property can be purchased, and God will provide the necessary funds.

2. God will raise up other families to come serve in this ministry:


Medically trained personnel


3. The health of Dr. Gentry

4. God will provide a printing press and the personnel to help set it up and instruct the young men to run it.

5. Protection as we travel to outlaying areas and into other countries.

6. God would open the Ntcheu project this year and provide the funds for the new orphanage.


By His Grace & Mercy,

John, Darcy, Sarah

& Johnathan

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