Tuesday, January 25, 2011

He is Home!

What a blessing it was to greet Dr. Gentry, Mrs. Gentry and Peggy Hilton at the Chileka Airport in Blantyre on Saturday the 21st of January, 2011. Dr. Gentry was like a kid at Christmas time, excited, animated, and in a physical condition that I have not seen since 2007. What an answer to the prayers of all of us who love this dear family who have given of themselves and their worldly possessions to work in the Lord’s ministry here in Malawi.

On Tuesday the 25th we scheduled the national pastors and their wives to come and greet our director and also to sit under his instruction, and teaching from the scriptures. Mrs. Gentry and Peggy Hilton taught the women under a large tent while Dr. Gentry taught the men. There were approximately 180 men present, and 120 women. The pastors and their wives started to arrive on Monday morning and Good Samaritan fed them lunch and dinner. On Tuesday GSBM provided a tea/breakfast, and a good hot lunch after the teaching service was complete.

After Lunch Brother John paid the monthly support to the national pastors as well as supplying some of them with translated “The 7 Steps of Joy”, KJV John/Romans, “The Trail of Blood” and “Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses?”. Ms. Goodman opened the clinic for those ladies and their children who were in need of medical assistance. Also she treated many of the men with open wounds and other aches and pains. The final event was the national pastors being able to get reading glasses from Good Samaritan. Faithful people in America have sent many different power reading glasses, and when we can we get them out to the people who are in need. Thank you for supplying this very real need!

By His Grace & Mercy,

John Fullford



Monday, January 17, 2011

This last Wednesday we took a trip about 3 hours east of where we live to the south/west corner of Lake Chilwa, (CHIR WAA), to visit and teach people of the area. We had been asked several months ago to go there and teach them from the “God’s Design for Marriage” and we have been too busy to make the trip. They finally pleaded with me and I promised that when the “visitors” arrived, Tom and Kathy, we would visit and teach. Well, that day arrived and it was a beautiful day. The weather was overcast, and humid, but we had almost 120 men and women attend. We brought 120 pounds of ufa, (maize) flour, 5 liters of oil, 4 kilos of salt, and we bought a goat. We provided them lunch as the area is poor, and we knew that some would walk some distance. The Mozambique border is the lake, and we found out some of the people walked, yes walked, over 50 kilometers from inside the Mozambique border to attend. We all taught for about 2 hours each, with Thandie Chikufenji translating for the ladies, and Pastor Glad for us men. During the teaching we gave a salvation message, and many hands raised to received God’s Perfect Gift of Eternal Life, both men and women.

After the teaching at 2pm we all had a lunch, and then drove the three hours back home. These dear people, to honor us, served us some of their precious rice and chicken. They dined on nsima and goat while they gave us the best; this is their heart. Praise God that while we were there our tire had gone flat, and they assisted us in changing the tire. This might seem trivial, but when you find out that part of you jack has been stolen, it becomes difficult. They had a part of a bicycle gear that would make due, and wal-la, we have a changed tire.

Thank you for praying for us, loving us, and allowing us to represent our Lord and Savior, and BBC.

By His Grace & Mercy,


Greetings for this new year from Malawai!!

We are doing well, tying to keep our heads above water, and God is being gracious in allowing us to serve Him here in Malawi. Tom and Kathy are here, and we are trying to use them in every manner. They have been working in the guest lodgings at the Mapanga compound as Dr. and Mrs. Gentry will be arriving a week from tomorrow. There will also be accompanying them a nurse they have known for many years. They will be staying for two weeks; trying to get a feel what is happening here, and Lord willing solving some of the problems involved. Last Sunday we traveled back to Mkaponda Good Samaritan Baptist Church in the area of Chitera with Kathy teaching the adult ladies, Darcy teaching the kids Sunday School, Andrew Nyenga teaching the men’s Sunday School, and Tom preaching. I have to confess I did little but drive and baptize 11 dear people who believe and received Jesus as their Savior.

Your Servant for Christ, John

Monday, January 3, 2011

News from Malawi January 2, 2011

Today our family along with Tom and Kathy Murray went to Kaponda Good Samaritan Baptist Church in the area of Chitera. It is about 40 minutes from the GSBM compound in Mapanga up the Zomba road. The dirt road we had to take for about 5 Km was not the best, but we did arrive safely and it was a surprise for the pastor to see us. This year we are not announcing where we are going to the local pastors, we are just going to show up. We have found that if they know we are coming they try to have many people there, so they invite other GSBM churches, and sometimes other denominations to attend. We desire to see and encourage the local church, so we want to attend the church and have prayers with them without it being a circus type of event.

Tom taught Sunday School, and I preached. I did not tell him what I was going to preach on, but God is so wise. Tom taught about salvation and serving God, and I preached about starting the new year off right by: 1. Being a Child of God, II Peter 3:9 – 2. Being a Candle of God, Matt. 5:16 – 3. Being a Challenger of God, Matt. 28:18-20. It all fit together, and because of the Holy Spirit between 80 & 90 people prayed to receive Jesus as their personal Savior. We talked about Eternal Salvation, and Believers Baptism and I encouraged them about getting baptized next week. In fact, we are going back to the same church next week to hold a Baptismal Service. Also it seemed that there were some sick kids, so we are going to take some medicine to help the kids, and also some eye glasses for some of the older people.

1. Tom teaching Sunday School

2. Handing out KJV John/Romans to the people who prayed to receive Christ as their Savior

Your Servant for the High God of Heaven,

Fullford Family