Monday, January 17, 2011

This last Wednesday we took a trip about 3 hours east of where we live to the south/west corner of Lake Chilwa, (CHIR WAA), to visit and teach people of the area. We had been asked several months ago to go there and teach them from the “God’s Design for Marriage” and we have been too busy to make the trip. They finally pleaded with me and I promised that when the “visitors” arrived, Tom and Kathy, we would visit and teach. Well, that day arrived and it was a beautiful day. The weather was overcast, and humid, but we had almost 120 men and women attend. We brought 120 pounds of ufa, (maize) flour, 5 liters of oil, 4 kilos of salt, and we bought a goat. We provided them lunch as the area is poor, and we knew that some would walk some distance. The Mozambique border is the lake, and we found out some of the people walked, yes walked, over 50 kilometers from inside the Mozambique border to attend. We all taught for about 2 hours each, with Thandie Chikufenji translating for the ladies, and Pastor Glad for us men. During the teaching we gave a salvation message, and many hands raised to received God’s Perfect Gift of Eternal Life, both men and women.

After the teaching at 2pm we all had a lunch, and then drove the three hours back home. These dear people, to honor us, served us some of their precious rice and chicken. They dined on nsima and goat while they gave us the best; this is their heart. Praise God that while we were there our tire had gone flat, and they assisted us in changing the tire. This might seem trivial, but when you find out that part of you jack has been stolen, it becomes difficult. They had a part of a bicycle gear that would make due, and wal-la, we have a changed tire.

Thank you for praying for us, loving us, and allowing us to represent our Lord and Savior, and BBC.

By His Grace & Mercy,


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