Saturday, February 27, 2010

Preacher Boy night February

Dear Victory World Ministries,

I just thought I would send a photo of the young men and boys who participated in our February “Preacher Boy” night. We had seventeen get up and preach, and some of them did a good job, and some did not, but Lord willing they will improve!

We have been having a lot of rain over the last couple of weeks. I am afraid that it is coming too late as much of the corn we have been seeing is stunted, and already tasseled.

We started the new bath house 3 weeks ago, and it is looking good. The walls are up and the plumber is almost done roughing in the walls. The roof will go on next week, then the plaster, paint and plumbing finish. I am excited about having something that is new, and done well!
John Fullford

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birthday Girl!

Rufina Makumba
Birthday February 22, 1996
Favorite Activity is Singing and she loves the Bible story David and Johnathon
Look for Rufina to be an Air hostess when she grows up.