Monday, June 23, 2008

April, May and June report for 2008

First, praise the Lord for we are now eight years old and God has been so good to this ministry. As of June 15th church 425 was started. It is sponsored by Bible Way Baptist Church in Milton, Fl. They have been sponsoring the Orphanage for over three years now. The new church had over 120 the first week with 67 being saved. It has been adding souls and now has a membership of 87.

We were not able to do the mobile college this spring due to lack of funds, so great emphasis is being placed on soul winning; no exaggeration thousands have been saved and many being baptized.

Brother Frank Zacharias from Nashville, TN had never been soul winning but after being with Bro. Chuck Miller for 2-3 hours Chuck cut him loose on his own. Frank was a little nervous for the first few times but the Lord gave him the words and courage and after he won two or three to the Lord there was no stopping him. He won 67 to the Lord that day and the next Saturday he went to a private girl’s high school to follow up on a student that had gotten saved at church the week before at Bible Way Baptist Good Samaritan Church. The English teacher invited him to address the whole class of 39, all 39 got saved and so did the teacher, and Frank’s feet have not touched the ground yet. Praise the Lord for men like Frank. We are planning a baptism service this coming week for the saved. This is a weekly happening at most of the 435 churches. THE FIELDS ARE RIPE UNTO HARVEST, we need your help in the following areas:

Bibles @ $7.00 each in cases of 20

  1. Sheet metal for a church roof @ approx. $425.00 per roof
  2. Gas for transportation @ $12.50 per gal. Over $100.00 to fill our vehicle
  3. Your prayers always please don’t forget us.

Your lovable beggar,

Dr. G. Gentry

709 P/bag Limbe

Malawi, Africa

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