Tuesday, August 12, 2008

More from Victoria. Does this get you excited!

May 23, 2008

Today I woke up early in the morning and did my devotions. My body is trying to get use to the time. I forgot to mention last night, but I have two girls that are staying with me. Their names are Maricia and Betty. The girls went to school early this morning. Woke up about 7am and the girls were already gone. I made some breakfast, but I invited a lady over for breakfast. We had eggs and salsa, but to this lady it meant a lot just the fact that she ate with me. Also today we started our Soul Winning class I had about thirty girls in the class. I taught them some bus songs. They really enjoyed themselves.

May 24, 2008

Well, my body is trying to get use to the time here. Since when it’s morning here it is probably about midnight in the states. Today we went to a village to start our bus route we had a lot fun. We had about forty people going out for bus visitation that would include the thirty teenage girls. It was their first time going out on visitation. I think we will a have a good crowd of people tomorrow. I was very exhausted due to the fact that I have not gone on a bus route for 5 hours and not having a break in between. Not only that, but I was walking up and down bushes. The different ways we went were very rough. I had a very hard time going up and down those ridges. The translator I had thought that I was getting very tired, but I explained to him that I had asthma and my lungs need air or my medication. I probably did not mention earlier, but I have not received my suitcases yet because they got lost. Meaning my medication is in there.
I don’t often think about the things that I have or do because I’m already used to it. When we got back from soul winning I made some tuna melts for the girls that are staying with me. They had never eaten melts before. I started thinking to myself I have everything in America and I complain for the things that I don’t have. Yet, these girls have nothing compared to me. I should be content with the things that the Lord has given me. I write today this: Mericia was ironing a few of my shirts that I had brought in my carry on bags. I realized that the two girls were just looking at my shirts. I went on to say, “You can have any of my button shirts.” They were some what surprised!!! I was glad I offered them shirts.

May 25. 2008
Today was my first Sunday here in church. I went on the bus route and the Lord blessed abundantly. I thought that we were going to have a couple riders. We had 114 people come off the bus for the first time. We had to do two pick ups because we could not fit all the people in a 27 passenger bus. In our first load we had 62 passengers, and the second load we had 52 riders. The church house was filled. There were a lot of people saved. Our promotion today was soap Sunday.
This country is hungry for the Gospel!!! The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few.

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