Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bus news!

The search for the new bus to transport the children from the orphanage to the school is on. Thank you to Bro. Cochran and his church for raising the money for the purchase. Chris Gome, John Fullford and Chuck Miller have been on the hunt and possibly have found the one. Job Security (yes, that is his name) is going to go and pull off the tires and look under the hood and check the transmission and everything else that needs to be done to see if this is the one bus that is the answer to the needs for the children. We are praying for the right one at the right price! The latest word is the bus needs tires but everything else looks good.
This week Henry Chatada, Andrew Nyengia and Chuck Miller will be traveling to the Good Samaritan Churches in Malawi and seeing the people. Please pray for their traveling mercies and the kwatcha (money) holds out for the fuel it will take to get to the outreaches. The goal is to have the churches learn to tithe and to take care of their own. This is a difficult task to teach the Malawi people to lean on the will of God, they had been under British Government (that was years ago)for so long and look to others for help. They are learning and need more encouragement.

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