Monday, February 9, 2009

We have a BUS!

It is Monday and I know you have wondered how the bus purchase went. First Chuck had to exchange the us dollars into the kwatcha. He was a nervous cat! He had a couple of shoes boxes of money and was so concerned not to go any where but the bus place FIRST! No stopping, no delays!!!! Every time they stopped at a light or a stop sign Chuck wanted to move. They went to the bus place at 1pm to pick up the bus and everything was done! He said it looked beautiful! Beautiful in that it was fully repaired, you could drive it and the man did just as he said, even the paperwork to transfer was completed. Navigator headed to the orphanage with the bus and Chuck and Rackson headed to the Government office to have the transfer recorded. Tomorrow the children will be riding in their new bus. Thank You Bro. Cochran and your church!

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