Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25th

The rain has been so heavy it has also affected the phones. Information is coming through on the string.
Sharon Goodman's container has been unloaded and she is feeling more at home. It is good to have your own personal items to feel home!

Yamakani (Blessings little brother) is taking medication for his ear infection.

Joy & Faith (Savannah's sisters) have decided not to have people call them by their Malawi names but insist they are Joy and Faith. They will let you know they don't know those other names. The little girls are Thanking God for their food and you hear them whispering how wonderful it is and the girls have been wondering about their brother. He is in the village and doesn't have this food and nice clothes. The Nguyen family of New York have sent a one time gift to purchase needs for Jameson. The Nguyen family have 11 children, most of them adopted and all have names beginning with "J". The Lord placed Jameson (Joy and Faith and Savannah's brother) on their heart.

Ida is doing well in her village. Thandie is getting messages from Ida and she sends her love.
Thank you for Your PRAYERS!!!!!

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