Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday March 18th

Sharon Goodman is so busy these days! The Bible Studies at Mapanga (Children's Home) are going great and since the children in Njuli have heard she is there also, the church is full of children. The word got out about Sharon and now the children are excited to see her come. Yesterday 16 children came forward and accepted Christ. I think I have heard more than one person from the states say I am not sure I will have anything to do! I said it also and now you see the People are so hungry for the news about Jesus and his word.
I understand Sharon is spending time with the clinic, re-organizing and see what is needed. We will post that in the future so those that are going to Malawi can add it to your suitcases. There are two girls needing medication and Sharon is keeping a watchful eye for them also.
Monday, I will have exciting news about someone! Be sure and watch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it is difficult for someone who lives in the USA to realize how much we have and how much we can offer over there because we are so accustomed to having all that we have. Thanks for the update about Sharon and let us know what is needed! Joanne.