Friday, March 13, 2009

News for March 13th

Chuck, Alinafe and Thandie

There are a couple of little girls in Florida that have been pen pals with Alinafe and she was happy to send them a picture because she had received a nice picture and letter from her pen pals.
Chuck was able to get online at the Fullford's home. It is rare for the land line to work, usually the cables are cut and stolen (copper) before they get to use the phone.
John Fullford and Chuck were doing repair work at the orphanage today. Sharon Goodman's stove wasn't working and now is up and running. Thandie has been waiting patiently for her Geyser (hot water tank) to be repaired. They were able to install it today.
Soon we will get to see the picture of the new wraps the ladies are happy to wear with the Good Samaritan logo.
Thank you for comments on the blog. Those in Malawi can see them also when they have internet!! Are you looking for news about something? Please let me know so I can get information about it.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture. Nice to see all the smiling faces. Sounds like there is always something to do over there! How is the concrete project going? Thanks for the update! Joanne.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your hard work on the blog. The information and pictures brings us closer to understanding the work in Malawi. The two girls in Florida were so happy to see Alinafe. They pray for her and the orphanage. The pictures also help our kids to understand that these are real children just like them. I was gone for a week and couldn't wait to come home and catch up on Malawi. I was not dissapointed.